
SSM-Aquo NB-IoT is a remote-reading ultrasonic water meter with integrated communication module, offering a compact design for the residential sector. Using static technology, it has no moving parts subject to wear and tear, and guarantees constant high accuracy over time, even when measuring very low flow rates.

SSM-Aquo NB-IoT eliminates the need for manual meter readings or estimations, achieving an accurate and reliable reading, as well as significantly reducing data collection time and the number of operators required.

In addition, the smart meters have warnings that allow early detection of a burst pipe, lack of consumption or flow reversal and therefore possible leaks.

  • U-shaped ultrasonic meter
  • Nominal diameter: from DN15 to DN40
  • Ratio: (Q3 / Q1) R500
  • Protection rating IP 68
  • Communication protocol: NB-IoT
  • Alarm detection: pipe burst, empty pipe, inverted flow, residual battery capacity below alarm level
  • Approved to measure drinking water
  • Material: brass
  • Guaranteed battery life of up to 13 years under normal conditions of use

The information package transmitted by the meter is: consumption volume and critical information, such as alarms listed below (all visible on the display):

  • No water: when there is no water to the metering section of the meter and resets when water refills the pipe.
  • Leakage: activated after 12 h of continuous flow above 0.5*Q1 (12 h default, option 1-255), when the flow stops, the alarm is automatically reset.
  • Broken pipe: in case of continuous flow above Q3 lasting half an hour, when the flow decreases lasting at least 1 minute below 0,5*Q1, the alarm is automatically reset.
  • Reverse installation: when the initial flow released from the installation goes in reverse direction (incorrect installation), manual reset of the meter by the installer.
  • Reverse flow: activated after continuous reverse flow above the threshold (20 litres default, option 1-255).
  • Overflow: activated after 10 minutes above Q4.
  • Tampering (opening of the box): detected when opening the box, as the metrological seal has to be broken to open the box.
  • Freezing: water is frozen when the meter measures a water temperature below 0,5 °C (recorded for at least 1 hour).
  • Battery: Percentage of battery charge, if below the set threshold.


Find out more about SSM-AQUO here


Technical Manual

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Instructions for use and installation

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Water is a primary resource, a basic necessity for life, and as such requires proper management from all points of view: institutional, environmental and economic.

The sector’s current objective is to automate the process through the digitalisation of water networks, thereby optimising resources and data management to optimise management and minimise the loss of unaccounted-for water, whether through leaks or fraud.

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