Clean energy and green financing: 20 million euro from Banco BPM for the sustainable growth of Pietro Fiorentini

27 September 2022  -  ESG

Banco BPM has recently finalised a 20 million euro loan for the Pietro Fiorentini Group. The credit line will allow the Group to reduce energy consumption and rely on renewable sources, further improving its attention to environmental issues within its production.

The loan arranged with Banco BPM is aimed at meeting specific green sustainability objectives. It highlights on the one hand the Group’s increasing attention to sustainability and environmental development of its business, in respect of the territory and the surrounding area. On the other hand, it highlights the particular care that the credit institution led by Giuseppe Castagna takes in choosing operations of this type and the partners to support them.

“The commitment of companies to contribute to a more sustainable future – says Mario Pietro NardiCEO of the Pietro Fiorentini Group – must start with optimising their energy consumption and making greater use of green sources. To this end, on the 10th of June in Parma we signed the Manifesto of 1,000 Green Companies, publicly subscribing to detailed commitments to reduce emissions and save energy. This loan provided by Banco BPM will help us achieve these commitments, creating sustainable long-term value for both the organisation and the community.”
“Pietro Fiorentini represents a true Italian and international excellence – commented Enrico LemmoHead of the North-East Corporate Market Banco BPM’s, who oversaw the operation – which has long embraced environmental sustainability issues. We are very proud of this operation, which once again confirms our Group’s ability to be a reliable partner in helping companies to support projects and investments that can successfully balance business objectives with the equally important ones related to ESG targets. For Banco BPM, sustainability represents a key factor in the future development paths of businesses in our area. We are committed daily to providing concrete support to our customers in the transition towards production models with a lower environmental impact, also through a specific ceiling of five billion euro earmarked for the responsible support of ESG loans.”
Focus on Banco BPM Group
On 1st January 2017 two large popular banks, Banco Popolare and Banca Popolare di Milano, merge into S.p.A. The tradition of the original popular banks has inspired Banco BPM to pursue a mission oriented towards the creation of stable value over time for shareholders through sustainable profitability and development. Banco BPM serves four million customers through an extensive and complementary network and a capillary distribution model in which innovation and sustainability are among the main founding elements. Its territorial presence, with 1,500 branches throughout Italy, makes Banco BPM a national leader in several high value-added business sectors, with a unique positioning, a portfolio of highly recognised brands and cross-selling opportunities between product factories.

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